Tuesday, December 10, 2019

When does a child needs Speech Therapy?


Most of the parents have this question," How do I know if my child needs a Speech Therapy? While Speech Therapists have many areas of expertise like fluency, stuttering, language issues, etc. 

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy for articulation can start with children as early as possible. Different Therapies to improve speech can also begin when: 
  • A child cannot produce speech or cannot say words clearly. 
  • Children have a problem with speech rhythm and fluency. 
  • A child understanding and producing language. 
  • Children face swallowing and eating difficulties. 
  • Kids experienced cognitive issues such as memory and problem-solving disorders.
Speech Therapy

All the difficulties mentioned above can occur as a result of neurodevelopment disorders, learning disabilities, hearing loss, brain injury, or stroke. Issues can be developmental, congenital, or acquired. When determining too many errors drawn by the child, a Speech Therapist can identify strategies to overcome the speech disorder of the child. 

Speech Therapy helps children to speak more clarity and also improves communication skills too. This leads to a rise in their confidence level to interact in society. Speech Therapy is more beneficial at the early stage of life. 

Speech Therapy isn't a quick fix because it takes a lot of hard work over months or even years. So, to overcome the speech disorder of your children Take the treatment of speech therapy from IIAHP as soon as possible.    


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